"Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail." --Og Mandino
You Capture - Autumn
I was actually sad that this wasn't the theme just a week earlier because I had some amazing fall shots.....
but this was the best I could do with short notice (because I didn't check the theme until late in the week...uhoh!)
Oh...and I've taken a HUGE break from You Capture....but I am back!
This is looking out my back door. It was a gorgeous, peaceful fall morning and the lighting was just perfect.
Its a busy road, so I couldn't get a shot without cars :(
But, I still like it.
And, I am improving.
Go check out the other amazing entires!
But, I still like it.
And, I am improving.
Go check out the other amazing entires!
7 weeks to go!
There are 7 weeks til Christmas.......
I really thought that I was going to gain this week.
It was a rough one.
I've been sick.
I was put on steroids for bronchitis which can actually cause weight gain.
I haven't been feeling hungry at all, so I actually thought I was eating too much.
I lost 2.8 this week.
so, that brings my total to 38.6!
pretty cool, huh?
I am really excited about it.
I actually can't believe it.
I can't believe I've stuck with it.
I've done "diets" before.
Never lasted this long.
In just 17 weeks, I am lost almost 40 pounds!
Its just crazy!
I am very happy with my success.
7 weigh in's until Christmas and I am sure I will hit my 50!
I only need 1.62/week to do it.
The real craziness is that its only 7 weeks until Christmas!!!!
I really thought that I was going to gain this week.
It was a rough one.
I've been sick.
I was put on steroids for bronchitis which can actually cause weight gain.
I haven't been feeling hungry at all, so I actually thought I was eating too much.
I lost 2.8 this week.
so, that brings my total to 38.6!
pretty cool, huh?
I am really excited about it.
I actually can't believe it.
I can't believe I've stuck with it.
I've done "diets" before.
Never lasted this long.
In just 17 weeks, I am lost almost 40 pounds!
Its just crazy!
I am very happy with my success.
7 weigh in's until Christmas and I am sure I will hit my 50!
I only need 1.62/week to do it.
The real craziness is that its only 7 weeks until Christmas!!!!
HUGE smiles
I had to retire a pair of work pants.
They were just entirely too baggy.
I mean, they were bad.
I could take them completely off without unbuttoning, even fresh out of the dryer.
Yea. That bad.
They were a size 24.
(Told ya I was kinda a big girl!)
Today, I went to the big girl store....Lane Bryant and bought a new pair of khakis in a size.....
This means that I only have to go down 3 more sizes and I can shop in a normal girl store :)
Then it will be HUMONGOUS smiles all around!
That is one of my biggest non-scale victories that I can't wait to accomplish...but for now, I will take this one!
They were just entirely too baggy.
I mean, they were bad.
I could take them completely off without unbuttoning, even fresh out of the dryer.
Yea. That bad.
They were a size 24.
(Told ya I was kinda a big girl!)
Today, I went to the big girl store....Lane Bryant and bought a new pair of khakis in a size.....
This means that I only have to go down 3 more sizes and I can shop in a normal girl store :)
Then it will be HUMONGOUS smiles all around!
That is one of my biggest non-scale victories that I can't wait to accomplish...but for now, I will take this one!
good week
down another 3!!!
35.8 lost!
Which leaves me with 14.2 to go by Christmas. 8 weeks to do it in. That is less than 2 pounds a week. It is definitely more than do-able. I have no doubts....I will do it. I am going to do it. The sad thing is, I saw my little sister last night, and she didn't even notice. I mean, come on.....really?
Oh well. It doesn't matter. I just have to keep telling myself that. IT DOESN"T MATTER!
It does though....because I do want people to notice the hard work I am doing. Why don't they?
It's because I am so heavy. But my face has thinned out....my clothes are fitting looser, they are baggy. I really need to buy smaller sizes. Hopefully by the time people are home for Christmas I will fit into a couple sizes smaller and it will be a little more noticeable...but it really shouldn't matter. These people are too wrapped up in themselves anyway. I feel good about me. Thats what should really matter. Not what others see...what I see. And I see good!
This week I am going to challenge myself to get up early just 1 day and go to the gym. I really want to get back to it, but I know that I will overwhelm myself if I do too much too fast.....so I will start with 1 day and build. I want to get back to my LOVE for the gym. I had it for a minute and then lost it. I let life get in the way. Not anymore :)
35.8 lost!
Which leaves me with 14.2 to go by Christmas. 8 weeks to do it in. That is less than 2 pounds a week. It is definitely more than do-able. I have no doubts....I will do it. I am going to do it. The sad thing is, I saw my little sister last night, and she didn't even notice. I mean, come on.....really?
Oh well. It doesn't matter. I just have to keep telling myself that. IT DOESN"T MATTER!
It does though....because I do want people to notice the hard work I am doing. Why don't they?
It's because I am so heavy. But my face has thinned out....my clothes are fitting looser, they are baggy. I really need to buy smaller sizes. Hopefully by the time people are home for Christmas I will fit into a couple sizes smaller and it will be a little more noticeable...but it really shouldn't matter. These people are too wrapped up in themselves anyway. I feel good about me. Thats what should really matter. Not what others see...what I see. And I see good!
This week I am going to challenge myself to get up early just 1 day and go to the gym. I really want to get back to it, but I know that I will overwhelm myself if I do too much too fast.....so I will start with 1 day and build. I want to get back to my LOVE for the gym. I had it for a minute and then lost it. I let life get in the way. Not anymore :)
How Well do You Roll with the Punches?
Change is the natural order of the world. When something tries to stand against the force of change, it's eventually destroyed. Cliffs are eroded, trees are uprooted, granite cracks. People can crack too. For us to grow and live--to flourish--it takes adaptation and learning. Stubborn attachment to a single set of "knowledge" or way of doing things leads to stagnation of the mind and spirit. Remember to keep an open mind to new people and new ideas. Challenge yourself to always be learning something new. Focus on the possibilities of a fresh start, instead of hanging on to old frustrations. Sails are made with cloth for a reason. When they're stiff, winds beat against them until they tear. But if the sails are relaxed and workable, the wind can take you to places you've never been before.
SparkPeople Healthy Reflections 10.19.10
We love change, I love change.
Why is it that some people can't get over change?
Especially people that are close to me.......
Im having a rough time with that one right now.
I embrace change.
It's always nice to have a change.
It's usually good.
Maybe thats the optimist in me.
I like it :)
crazy kinda week
I had to miss weigh in this saturday :(
I was really, really sad about it....still really am.
We went camping though and had a lot of fun, other than picking up this MONSTER of a cold.
This week is going to be very challenging because I don't want to eat anything at all right now.
I can't smell or taste a thing!
I am really looking forward to saturday though!
I have a TON of emotional issues going on right now....family crap.
Maybe I will get into that one day here...maybe I won't.
Its really deeply personal.
All I will say is that I made the decision finally to see a therapist.
There I said it.
I finally pulled the trigger.
My first appointment is in a week and a half.
I am finally being ALL. ABOUT. ME.
and I really truly believe that this is something I need to do to really make some big changes in my life.
I need some real guidance.
I was really, really sad about it....still really am.
We went camping though and had a lot of fun, other than picking up this MONSTER of a cold.
This week is going to be very challenging because I don't want to eat anything at all right now.
I can't smell or taste a thing!
I am really looking forward to saturday though!
I have a TON of emotional issues going on right now....family crap.
Maybe I will get into that one day here...maybe I won't.
Its really deeply personal.
All I will say is that I made the decision finally to see a therapist.
There I said it.
I finally pulled the trigger.
My first appointment is in a week and a half.
I am finally being ALL. ABOUT. ME.
and I really truly believe that this is something I need to do to really make some big changes in my life.
I need some real guidance.
I went to dinner last night with my girlfriend.
She picked the place.....friendlys.
Normally...I would get chicken fingers and fries.
or a honey bbq chicken melt and fries.
tons of cheese, sauce and fried chicken complete with a PILE of french fries.
I stuck with a 17 point asian chicken salad and didn't even end up using all the salad dressing, so it wasn't even 17 points.
And...I felt great afterwards.
No regrets later as I laid down in bed replaying my day.
What an amazing feat!
Its taken 16 weeks...but I am there.
This is bliss.
She picked the place.....friendlys.
Normally...I would get chicken fingers and fries.
or a honey bbq chicken melt and fries.
tons of cheese, sauce and fried chicken complete with a PILE of french fries.
I stuck with a 17 point asian chicken salad and didn't even end up using all the salad dressing, so it wasn't even 17 points.
And...I felt great afterwards.
No regrets later as I laid down in bed replaying my day.
What an amazing feat!
Its taken 16 weeks...but I am there.
This is bliss.
amazing quote of the day....
"Live. And Live Well. BREATHE. Breathe in and Breathe deeply. Be PRESENT. Do not be past. Do not be future. Be now. On a crystal clear, breezy 70 degree day, roll down the windows and FEEL the wind against your skin. Feel the warmth of the sun.
If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE. Get knee-deep in a novel and LOSE track of time.
If you bike, pedal HARD… and if you crash then crash well.
Feel the SATISFACTION of a job well done—a paper well-written, a project thoroughly completed, a play well-performed. If you must wipe the snot from your 3-year old’s nose, don’t be disgusted if the Kleenex didn’t catch it all… because soon he’ll be wiping his own.
If you’ve recently experienced loss, then GRIEVE. And Grieve well. At the table with friends and family, LAUGH. If you’re eating and laughing at the same time, then might as well laugh until you puke. And if you eat, then SMELL. The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven. And TASTE. Taste every ounce of flavor. Taste every ounce of friendship. Taste every ounce of Life. Because it is most definitely a gift." --Kyle Lake
If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE. Get knee-deep in a novel and LOSE track of time.
If you bike, pedal HARD… and if you crash then crash well.
Feel the SATISFACTION of a job well done—a paper well-written, a project thoroughly completed, a play well-performed. If you must wipe the snot from your 3-year old’s nose, don’t be disgusted if the Kleenex didn’t catch it all… because soon he’ll be wiping his own.
If you’ve recently experienced loss, then GRIEVE. And Grieve well. At the table with friends and family, LAUGH. If you’re eating and laughing at the same time, then might as well laugh until you puke. And if you eat, then SMELL. The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven. And TASTE. Taste every ounce of flavor. Taste every ounce of friendship. Taste every ounce of Life. Because it is most definitely a gift." --Kyle Lake
week 15
I did it!
Week 15 weigh in.
down 3.8! (32.8 total!!!)
Really, it is.
16.2 pounds to go to hit my Christmas goal!
Best part is, I have 10 weigh in's to do it in.
My body really likes to lose 3.8 in a week.
This is the third 3.8 I have had in the last 7 weeks.
It's kinda crazy.
Especially when all I have done is count points.
I haven't even added in exercise yet.
Kinda crazy.
Have to stay focused though!
I really want to hit my christmas goal!
I want my family to finally notice that I have lost weight.
You would think that someone would notice that I have lost 32.8????
soon....soon they will.
soon I will hit rockstar status. hahahhahaha!
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
just the way i am
"down the road the sun is shining
In every cloud there's a silver lining
Just keep holding on"
Lady Antebellum "One Day You Will"
July 3, 2010.
The day my new life started.
I began my journey with weight watchers.
Its been an amazing journey.
October 2, 2010.
(3 months later)
I overshot my 10% goal!!!!
I have now lost a total of 29 pounds. Well over my 10% and on my way to 50lbs by Christmas.
The best part is, all of this has been done with out the help of the gym.
So, when I start adding in the gym shortly, it should really help keep things moving and help me hit my new goal easily.
Once I reach this goal, my next goal time frame will be set for Alans birthday which is February 20th. After that, it will be time for my 30th birthday goal. Not quite sure what that will be just yet....but I have an idea of what I want it to be :) Hopefully I can really make it work. We shall see!
I am so glad that I finally took the steps needed to start this program. It really does work when you take the time to do it right. Track. Track. Track.
I can eat things that I want. When I want. Its all about moderation. Alan even started it with me.