1. Something that makes me a great friend is, that I really invest a lot of time and energy into my friends. I am a great listener and would do anything for anyone. I also don't like to be overwhelming.
2. I am a mess right now. I am trying to figure out my life, balance. peace. happiness. harmony. I will get there. Hopefully soon.
3. I am not one to open up to people freely. I don't want to make my problems your problems. Too many people do that to me, so I don't want to do that to others.
4. If I had to describe myself in 3 words, they would be accommodating, helpful, friendly.
5. Something I'm really cheap about is clothing right now. Since I am changing sizes, there is no use in paying a lot for something that won't fit in a month or so.
6. Something I'm willing to splurge on is most things :( but I make myself think about my bigger than $100 purchases for at least 2 weeks to make sure its something I really want.
7. I would trade my beautiful new home in my hometown for a smaller home in a beach town in a heartbeat.
#3 - I am the same way. Consequently, people think I am very shy or very content and peaceful when really I'm a nervous mess.
Just found your blog through the little things we do, and I love your photography and blog title.
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