week 15

I did it!
Week 15 weigh in.
down 3.8! (32.8 total!!!)
Really, it is.
16.2 pounds to go to hit my Christmas goal!
Best part is, I have 10 weigh in's to do it in.  
My body really likes to lose 3.8 in a week.  
This is the third 3.8 I have had in the last 7 weeks.
It's kinda crazy. 
Especially when all I have done is count points.
I haven't even added in exercise yet.
Kinda crazy.

Have to stay focused though!
I really want to hit my christmas goal!
I want my family to finally notice that I have lost weight.
You would think that someone would notice that I have lost 32.8????
soon....soon they will.
soon I will hit rockstar status.  hahahhahaha!

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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